

We've worked really hard to equip the shop area over the past few years and having a access to the shop is a privilege, not a right.

Two main things we have to focus on in the shop:

01. Safety
  • power tools (color coded)
  • dust extraction
02. Managing the space 
  • keeping space tidy every class period
  • consumables
  • storage of projects
Safety is our first priority  - to make you familiar with the safe operation of the tools you will use in the shop. There are 5 steps to our training that you will have to complete to be allowed to use shop tools.

  1. Read the SAS Safety Manual
  2. Watch the Safety Video
  3. Complete and Pass the SAS Safety Quiz 
  4. Demonstrate that you know how to use every tool safely in the shop (required training by instructor)
  5. Sign a User Safety Agreement 

Using tools without appropriate safety training endangers yourself and others. Unauthorized use or using tools that you have not been trained on will result in a "time-out" for the individuals involved. This will likely impact your grade as you will be unable to complete projects in a timely manner. Each infraction will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

Welcome to our workshop!
Mr. Bright and Mr. Williams

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